So I thought I would be productive today and see *just* how much yarn I *really* have... (click each pic for MUCH bigger views!)

...Wow, that's a ton! Well, not really, but you get the idea. It's actually not as much as I thought it would be-- there's still room to squeeze a *few* more skeins in... (wink wink, nudge nudge!) It actually makes me want to just dive in and swim and revel in the beauty that is my yarn!...
So it all started by clearing out my various bags I take with me to crochet nights.... sometimes I just throw in random yarns, my notions pouch, and a book or magazine at the last minute without really having a plan as to what to make out of it. I laid out all the yarn and noticed that I have a lot of the same color or brand, and wondered how much I really have of the same thing I buy all the time. (It's like the whole "little black dress" syndrome... you know it works for any occasion, it's just how you choose to style it that matters-- so you buy a variation on the same thing every time!)
Then, I got tired of having to go through an obstacle course every time I wanted to get to my yarn drawers in the corner of my room, so I organized all my printed out pattern pages into one stack, magazines in another, pattern books in another. With that out of the way, and with reverent fervor, I commenced the withdrawing and the laying out of yarn. First the purples, oh the perplexing plethora of purples... then on to the greens, I'll keep them over here, separate from the purples. Now on to the blacks, the greys, the bountiful browns.
I continued in this manner until hardly a single space was left on my bed. Once I had cleared and laid out all the free yarn I could find, I then proceeded to group together the yarns that were still chained to a project (haha get it-- chained? crochet joke?.. occupational humor?....... no takers?........ k. well, I thought it was funny.) ANY-hoo, without further babbling on, I will move on to the pictures now-- enjoy :-)

^^Reds, Pinks, & Variegateds ^^

^^ Oranges, Yellows, Neutrals^^

^^Greens & Blues^^




Now, what am I going to do with it all? (That's the FUN part!)
p.s. i just KNOW i have a bag of about 20 mini balls of yarn i haven't come across yet. it's a bunch of different colors of's Luna. This calls for an investigation!
Later that day....
(Caution: Sexy Yarn Time!!)
oh wow! what an amazing way to store all the wool, one can actually see everything that you have and it breathes better than being at the bottem of an old basket, not to mention that everything is in one spot - how wicked is that?! :)
you have the paradise in your home!!!
i loved everything!!!
congrats! :D:D:D
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