So my adorable wonderful Aunt Jackie started sending me crochet patterns and finished pieces mostly of my Great Grandmother, and some of my Grandmother's.. and to think that she was debating on "throwing them out" years ago but just couldn't part with them! i'm sure glad she didn't.. and you'll see why. I have scanned the cover and inside cover with their respective copyright dates highlighted. Included in this assortment is one I had bought at an antique store for 10 bucks! (it's the first picture in this post.) Oh the COOLNESS of it all!!
so there's this cat who lives next door... talk about cool-looking!! it's (i'm not sure what gender it is) one of the friendliest kitties too!
(clicky the pic-ies for more biggie)
and here's a video of it doing its thang:
i just love getting my "Kitty Fix"! (i'm thinking of naming it-- any ideas? something unisex perhaps?)
here's a bar towel i knitting a few weeks ago. now i wanna make one for everyone! and the PDF file of the pattern i got it from.
here are two "in-between-projects" projects, kind of just quick fixes.
it's mah Hello Kitty bow. pattern by CreativeYarn.
a quick hair flower for a Luau we went to this summer. pattern by SKAMAMA.
i should have taken the picures when i was all done up-- i was PROUD of my really cute hairstyle, i don't normally have patience for that-- but oh well. maybe another day...
i finished this whilst not sleeping in the middle of the night last night, grr. it's called the "Avenue C Slouchy Hat" from, and i must say, i don't think i finished off the puff stitch rounds right. it came out bunchy and bumpy, not at all what the pattern pics look like.. maybe i'll have better luck if i use more than one color..
the next one i'll use at least two colors and i'll do the brim version.. i'm not giving up on this pattern yet!
I JUST GOT A JUI-CER! I JUST GOT A JUI-CER! (neener neener neener!)
so i was reading the book "Fit For Life, NOT FAT For Life" by Harvey Diamond, and was excited to see that i could afford the juicer that he recommends on his website.. it is SOOOOOOO stinkin' nice! of course, i got the commercial model and in *black* :-)
so... anyone up for a juicing party?? it can make sorbets and smoothie bases as well.. (and i must say, that a gin and orange/pineapple juice is *out of this world* with this thing!)
alright, so it's about time for a new post! update, update, everyone loves an update!
here's what i've been working on:
"Twins: Anna" from ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "King's Cozy" from ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ruffled Corset Belt" by Tricia Royal (from "Stitch N' Bitch: The Happy Hooker" book by Debbie Stoller) p.s. you must be a member to access this link.. sorry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
plus a few more goodies that i can't post yet because they're birthday presents (of which came to pass a few weeks ago! sorry sisters, my crafting is so unpredictable... i messed up a few times on cari's and haven't finished it yet!!)
so stay tuned...
and go sign up on RAVELRY if you haven't already, you won't be sorry!
meet the newest addition to my family of antiques! i've had her on a 2-month layaway (for $110-- who wouldn't!?), so i'm finally glad to welcome her home!
my camera didn't quite pick up the true colors of the thing. the wicker pretty much matches the dresser behind it, and the pink is not really pink at all. it's more of a deep yet transparent red wine color.. not quite the whorehouse red you see here :-P
and barely detectable on the label in the space above the wording are some numbers written in pencil.. it's more noticable in person, but my best guess is #21?8871 (anyone else wanna give it a go? click the pic for a larger version..)
it is a sewing basket, but i think it's seen better days, so i'm just going to use it as my current knitting/crocheting project since a skein of yarn won't really do any damage. it is tattered and missing some wicker brackets on the underside of the back, but i think it just adds to its charm :-)